
1992 gründeten sechs Absolventen des St. Petersburger Rimski-Korsakow-Konservatoriums das Vokalensemble „Anima“, welches von Anfang an für seine künstlerische Exzellenz bekannt war. Beim internationalen Chorwettbewerb in Darmstadt belegte „Anima“ mit zwei Goldmedaillen den ersten Platz, gewann 2003 und 2006 jeweils Silbermedaillen beim Internationalen Chorwettbewerb in Tolosa und war als Osteuropavertreter zum Weltsymposium Chormusik in Kyoto eingeladen, wo es vor 2500 Zuhörern sang. Konzerte im Magdeburger Dom und im Dom zu Halberstadt, in Rahmen des „Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festivals“ oder beim Festival Musica Sacra in San Juan und Buenos Aires zeigen seine Erfolge.

The Vocal Ensemble “Anima” was organised in October 1992 St. Petersburg. All its members are the graduates from the St. Petersburg Conservatoire named after Rimsky-Korsakov N.A., graduating it in different years. From the very first days after its debut the Ensemble has extensively performed both in Russia and abroad, visiting Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Austria, Spain and France. The press on the Ensemble performances is numerous and favourable, the Group has been called an admirable ensemble of the world class.

The Ensemble’s creative credo implies a wide variety of genres of choir music: from Gregorian Chorales to modern pieces. The prime criterium when choosing a composition of a certain epoch to be performed by by the Group is its artistic value rather than its novelty or complexity. The Ensemble performs fragments from Tchaikovsky’s and Rakhmaninov’s Divine Liturgy and Vespers, spiritual works of P. Tchesnokov, original arrangements of popular Russian folk songs. Originally composed for a mixed choir these works are presented in a quite different and original way arranged for male voices only by the Ensemble Leader Victor Smirnov with the emphasis on the Ensemble tessitura ability. E.Nikolaev with his unique contra-tenor voice adds to this effect allowing the Ensemble to sing original works composed for a mixed choir like „Natasha“ by G. Sviridov, Choir cycles of F. Pulenc „Praises to st. Anthony of Padua“ and „Prayers of st. Francis of Assisi“ that are famous for its fine sense of style.


The choir of Aachen Cathedral is the oldest boys’ choir in Germany and traces its roots back to the palatine school of Emperor Charlemagne. Now, over 1200 years later, the musical configuration of the liturgy in Aachen Cathedral, the former palatine chapel, still is the center of its activities. The elementary school for boys and girls of the chapter of Aachen Cathedral constitutes the basis for the acquisition of new members for the choir. The choir arranges approximately 50 services in Aachen Cathedral and is also guest performing in many other churches of the Aachen bishopric and neighboring dioceses.

The choir travelled to Italy, South Korea, Spain, the Balkans, South Africa and Malta in recent years. The participation of the choir of Aachen Cathedral in the ceremony for the ‘Charlemagne Prize Extraordinary’ granted to Pope John Paul II. in Rome in 2004 certainly serves as a special highlight in its existence. The choir cultivates friendships and exchanges with renowned boy’s and youth’s choirs beyond European borders. The choir of Aachen Cathedral, together with the youth’ choir ‘Svonky’ Prague, was awarded with the Culture Prize of Aachen, the Emperor Charles IV. Medallion, in 2013.




Als ältester deutscher Knabenchor geht der Aachener Domchor auf die Hofschule Karls des Großen zurück. Noch immer, über 1200 Jahre nach seiner Gründung, steht für den Chor die musikalische Gestaltung der Liturgie im Aachener Dom im Mittelpunkt seiner Tätigkeit.

Neben Reisen weit über die europäischen Grenzen hinweg wirkte der Chor bei den außerordentlichen Karlspreis-Verleihungen der Stadt Aachen an Papst Johannes Paul II und Papst Franziskus in Rom mit und ist Träger des Aachen-Prager Kulturpreises.

Der Aachener Bachverein ist der Oratorienchor der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Aachen. Gegründet 1913 zählt er mit seinen über 120 Mitgliedern aller Altersgruppen und Konfessionen zu den traditionsreichsten Kulturträgern der Region. Die Aufführung der Vokalwerke Johann Sebastian Bachs bildet einen Schwerpunkt des Aachener Bachvereins; gleichermaßen fühlt er sich dem gesamten oratorischen Repertoire vom Frühbarock bis zur Gegenwart verpflichtet, sodass er sich zuletzt mit großem Erfolg auch den Oratorien Golgotha von Frank Martin, Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln von Franz Schmidt oder The Dream of Gerontius von Edward Elgar gewidmet hat.

Der Aachener Bachverein ist der Oratorienchor der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Aachen. Gegründet 1913 zählt er mit seinen über 120 Mitgliedern aller Altersgruppen und Konfessionen zu den traditionsreichsten Kulturträgern der Region. Die Aufführung der Vokalwerke Johann Sebastian Bachs bildet einen Schwerpunkt des Aachener Bachvereins; gleichermaßen fühlt er sich dem gesamten oratorischen Repertoire vom Frühbarock bis zur Gegenwart verpflichtet, sodass er sich zuletzt mit großem Erfolg auch den Oratorien Golgotha von Frank Martin, Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln von Franz Schmidt oder The Dream of Gerontius von Edward Elgar gewidmet hat.

The Girls’ Choir of Aachen Cathedral was founded in 2011 with an impressive church service. The girls’ choirs of the cathedrals of Paderborn, Münster, Mainz and Cologned joined this event as visitors, and have since continued to support Aachen Chathedral’s Girls’ Choir.

In the short period of its existence the choir has already built quite a reputation and it closely cooperates with the Domsingschule of Aachen, a private catholic primary school affiliated with Aachen Cathedral. Some sixty girls, aged ten or older, are part of the Girls’ Choir, which regularly contributes to services and other events in Aachen Cathedral. The Choir is an independent ensemble of Aachen Cathedral. Its stylistic repertoire is very diverse and grows continuously. Marco Fühner has become its choirmaster in June 2013.

Der Frauenchor des Glier-Instituts für Musik in Kiew wurde 1985 gegründet und wird von Galyna Gorbatenko geleitet. Er besteht aus Studierenden der Klasse für Chorleitung (die Mitglieder sind also zukünftige Chorleiterinnen), manche Sängerinnen kommen auch aus Promotionsstudiengängen oder sind frisch examinierte Gesangslehrer.

Der Chor pflegt verschiedene Stilrichtungen und führt Musik der Renaissance, der Klassik, Romantik, aber auch ukrainische Volkslieder und zeitgenössische Musik auf, speziell von zeitgenössischen ukrainischen Komponisten. Seit 1995 gewinnt der Chor regelmässig bei den wichtigsten Chorwettbewerben erste Preise: Marktoberdorf, Tolosa, Debrecen-Grand Prix, und nimmt an vielen Festivals teil. 2000 vertrat der Frauenchor beim First Nordic International Festival of women’s choirs in Reykjavik die Ukraine. 2010 feierte der Chor sein 25-jähriges Bestehen mit einem neuen Programm in der Nationalen Philharmonie in Kiew.

The Female Choir of Kiev Glier Institute of Music was created in 1985 and leaded by Galyna Gorbatenko, made of students of the choir conducting department, which means that singers are future choir masters. The singers of the choir are also the former graduated students and young teachers who pass their experience to the young singing beginners.

The choir owns different styles and directions in choir music, performing the music of Renascence, Classical, Romantic, also arrangements of Ukrainian folk songs music and contemporary music, specially by contemporary Ukrainian composers. Starting 1995 at the most important international competitions the choir gets 1-st prizes: Marktoberdorf, Tolosa, Debrecen-Grand Prix. And participated many of festivals. The choir took part and was an honorary guest in the First Nordic International Festival of women’s choirs in 2000 – Reykjavik, Iceland. In 2010 the choir celebrated its 25anniversary with the new program in the National Philharmonic House for the musical community of Kiev city.

Vocal Ensemble Kerkrade is a secular women’s choir with 18 enthusiastic members. Directed by Louise Deal the ensemble stives for perfection in vocal technique and choral sound. The ensemble sings an extensive repertoire ranging from religous to secular and from classical to popular music. Vocal Ensemble Kerkrade was founded in 1976 and Louise Deal has been its Musical Director since 2005. Whether singing music from the Renaissance or contemporary compositions, the ensemble stives to convey atmosphere and style of the music with an emphasis on textual interpretation, dynamics and musical expression.

Vocal Ensemble Kerkrade’s musical highlights include participation in the Dutch Choir Festival in 1996, winning the Limburg Choir Festival in 1997, celebrating the 900th anniversary of Rolduc Abbey, Kerkrade (Netherlands). In 2006 Vocal Ensemble Kerkrade won the national choral-competition. The first professional CD by Vocal Ensemble Kerkrade was recorded in 2010. The double-CD called VEKsclusief was presented in 2011 to celebrate a double anniversary: Vocal Ensemble Kerkrade’s 30-year existence and its 15th anniversary as a women’s choir. Also in 2011, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Dutch National Choir Organisation, Limburg province, Vocal Ensemble Kerkrade recorded the CD Kopstukken.