
Brazilian Choral Music

Presentation with live music
Coro de Camerata antiqua de Curitiba – Cond.: Maria Antonia Jimenez Rodriguez

Admission free

Choral-Symphonic Concert


Introduction: 17:15 Uhr, Foyer

Claude Debussy: „Trois nocturnes“ / Arnold Schönberg: „Ein Überlebender aus Warschau“ op. 46 / Richard Wagner: Großes Festwiesen-Finale from „Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg“

Coro de Camerata antiqua de Curitiba / Ensemble Sirenot / Grupo de Canto Coral Buenos Aires / Hamrahlíðarkórinn Reykjavic / Aachener Kammerchor / Carmina Mundi
Der Junge Chor Aachen
Madrigalchor Aachen

sinfonieorchester Aachen
Cond.: GMD Kazem Abdullah


Lunchtime Concert No. 3

Ludwig Forum

Hamrahlíðarkórinn Reykjavik – Cond.: Þorgerður Ingólfsdóttir

Admission free

Choral-Symphonic Concert


Introduction: 19:15, Foyer

Claude Debussy: „Trois nocturnes“ / Arnold Schönberg: „Ein Überlebender aus Warschau“ op. 46 / Richard Wagner: Großes Festwiesen-Finale from „Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg“

Coro de Camera antiqua de Curitiba / Ensemble Sirenot / Grupo de Canto Coral Buenos Aires / Hamrahlíðarkórinn Reykjavic / Aachener Kammerchor / Carmina Mundi / Der Junge Chor Aachen / Madrigalchor Aachen

sinfonieorchester Aachen – Cond.: GMD Kazem Abdullah


Lunchtime Concert No. 4

Citykirche St. Nikolaus

Coro de Camerata antiqua de Curitiba – Cond.: Maria Antonia Jimenez Rodriguez

Admission free

Mater Gloriosa – Mater Dolorosa

Aula Carolina

Grupo de Canto Coral Buenos Aires – Cond.: Néstor Andrenacci
Der Junge Chor Aachen – Cond.: Fritz ter Wey

€10 – €15

Night and Gold

Coro de Camerata antiqua de Curitiba – Cond.: Maria Antonia Jimenez Rodriguez
Carmina Mundi – Cond.: Harald Nickoll

Kindly supported by the Goethe-Institute and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

€10 – €15

From Occident to Orient

Citykirche St. Nikolaus

18.30 Uhr: Introduction to Marcus Teller, Spiegelfoyer/Theater

Ensemble Sirenot, Tel Aviv – Cond.: Shosh Lagil
Madrigalchor Aachen / Teller-Consort
Cond.: Hans Leenders

€10 – €15

German Vespers

Citykirche St. Nikolaus

Kammerchor of the Aachener Bachverein and Annaorchester – Cond.: Georg Hage

Admission free

The Long Choral Night

With choruses and vocal ensembles from Aachen.
(The choruses and the programme will be announced in June)

Admission free


At midnight a concluding ‘Farewell’ will feature all contributing choruses at the market place.

Admission free