
The choir of Aachen Cathedral

The choir of Aachen Cathedral is the oldest boys’ choir in Germany and traces its roots back to the palatine school of Emperor Charlemagne. Now, over 1200 years later, the musical configuration of the liturgy in Aachen Cathedral, the former palatine chapel, still is the center of its activities. The elementary school for boys and girls of the chapter of Aachen Cathedral constitutes the basis for the acquisition of new members for the choir. The choir arranges approximately 50 services in Aachen Cathedral and is also guest performing in many other churches of the Aachen bishopric and neighboring dioceses.

The choir travelled to Italy, South Korea, Spain, the Balkans, South Africa and Malta in recent years. The participation of the choir of Aachen Cathedral in the ceremony for the ‘Charlemagne Prize Extraordinary’ granted to Pope John Paul II. in Rome in 2004 certainly serves as a special highlight in its existence. The choir cultivates friendships and exchanges with renowned boy’s and youth’s choirs beyond European borders. The choir of Aachen Cathedral, together with the youth’ choir ‘Svonky’ Prague, was awarded with the Culture Prize of Aachen, the Emperor Charles IV. Medallion, in 2013.





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