Founded in 1974, as a result of several of the city’s music festivals, and made up of singers from a solid musical background, the Curitiba Camerata Antiqua Choir is seen as one of the major musical vocal groups in Brazil today. The group has, since the very beginning, been recognised for it’s originality and skill in it’s interpretation of the baroque and renaissance repertoire, both in concerts performed under the baton of founder Roberto de Regina, and those performed a cappella, directed by Gerard Galloway. A combination of contemporary music and world premières of pieces written especially for them has now lent the choir a new and striking characteristic – that of a choir with a vast and eclectic repertoire.
The choir has received several favourable reviews for it’s discography and performances in both Brazil and abroad. Among the most significant international concerts include a tour of five German cities with the Arad Philhamonic Chamber Orchestra (Romania) in 2006 and a tour of Portugal in 2007, performing a programme of a cappella repertoire alongside concerts with the Symphony Orchestra of Póvoa do Varzim. They participated in concerts at the 8th World Symposium on Choral Music in Denmark in 2008, and also at the 18th Festival Corale Internazionale – La Fabbrica del Canto in Italy in 2009.
The choir has proven it’s versatility more recently by presenting new semi-staged programmes such as A Comédia do Senhor Carlo Goldoni – Crônica com Música (The Comedy of Mr Carlo Goldoni – Chronicals with Music) under the baton of Wagner Polistchuk and scenic direction of Roberto Innocente, with special guest actor Luís Melo. Other important programmes include both the Cores do Brasil (Brazilian Colours) and Lamejos da Música Sacra no Brasil (Flashes of Brazilian Sacred Music) under the baton and general directorship of Helma Haller and scenic director Jacqueline Daher.
Wagner Polistchuck became the artistic director of the choir between 2009 and 2011, with Helma Haller as principle conductor, and Neyde Thomas as vocal coach from 1992 to 2011. From 2013 onwards the choir will be under the artistic directorship and baton of Maria Antonia Jimenez.