
Fritz ter Wey

Prof. Fritz ter Wey was head of the Department of choral conducting at the Hochschule für Musik in Detmold/Germany until 2009. He founded among others the nationally and internationally recognised ensembles „Der Junge Chor Aachen“  (1966), „Vox Europae“ (1982) and „Modus Novus“ (1988), all of which he still conducts.

The focus of his artistic work is in the range of a cappella choral music of the 20th century. A number of CD recordings (for example special portraits of Paul Hindemith (Mass and Weinheber-Madrigals), Ernst Krenek („Kantate von der Vergänglichkeit des Irdischen“) Maurice Duruflé (complete choral work) and numerous radio productions establish his reputation in this field. For more than forty years, Fritz ter Wey is a sought-after instructor and guest conductor at international festivals in Europe. Guest performances combine him with domestic and foreign broadcasting choirs. Beyond that Fritz ter Wey has a name as a juror at choral competitions and as Chef d’ateliér during international choir meetings in Europe and South-America.

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