
Female Choir of Kiev Glier Institute, Ukranie

The Female Choir of Kiev Glier Institute of Music was created in 1985 and leaded by Galyna Gorbatenko, made of students of the choir conducting department, which means that singers are future choir masters. The singers of the choir are also the former graduated students and young teachers who pass their experience to the young singing beginners.

The choir owns different styles and directions in choir music, performing the music of Renascence, Classical, Romantic, also arrangements of Ukrainian folk songs music and contemporary music, specially by contemporary Ukrainian composers. Starting 1995 at the most important international competitions the choir gets 1-st prizes: Marktoberdorf, Tolosa, Debrecen-Grand Prix. And participated many of festivals. The choir took part and was an honorary guest in the First Nordic International Festival of women’s choirs in 2000 – Reykjavik, Iceland. In 2010 the choir celebrated its 25anniversary with the new program in the National Philharmonic House for the musical community of Kiev city.


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