
Girls‘ Choir of Aachen Cathedral

The Girls’ Choir of Aachen Cathedral was founded in 2011 with an impressive church service. The girls’ choirs of the cathedrals of Paderborn, Münster, Mainz and Cologned joined this event as visitors, and have since continued to support Aachen Chathedral’s Girls’ Choir.

In the short period of its existence the choir has already built quite a reputation and it closely cooperates with the Domsingschule of Aachen, a private catholic primary school affiliated with Aachen Cathedral. Some sixty girls, aged ten or older, are part of the Girls’ Choir, which regularly contributes to services and other events in Aachen Cathedral. The Choir is an independent ensemble of Aachen Cathedral. Its stylistic repertoire is very diverse and grows continuously. Marco Fühner has become its choirmaster in June 2013.


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